Sandy Miller
Advisory Partner

Active Obsession
Feel-Good Jams
Anything by the Beach Boys
Note to Self
The most obvious choice is rarely the best choice.
Little-Known Fact
I majored in Drama as an undergrad.
My Other Dream Job
Art Dealer
To say that my career path has been circuitous would be an understatement. I have been a securities lawyer, a management consultant, a tech investment banker, a co-founder of an investment banking firm, and finally, a venture capitalist. United by a focus on technology, each role broadened my skill set, perspective, and network.
Even with all the zigs and zags, the path looks straight in hindsight—a direct line to IVP. After 35 years of VC and tech investment banking, I’m a partner and sounding board to CEOs, advising on financing, and my personal favorite, exit strategy. I’ve had the pleasure of being personally involved with 100+ IPOs and have served on more than 25 boards.