Hype Song


Words I Live By

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”
—Steve Jobs

Hidden Talent

Navigating public transit

Activities & Interests

Skiing, tennis/pickleball, video games

Who Inspires Me

My parents, who immigrated to the US and started their own business without a safety net.

I was drawn to venture by companies that push the boundaries of what we think is possible, what we take for granted or what we write off as something we already know. My experience running a network monitoring startup in college exposed me to the tangible impact that a trusted advisor can have on a company’s trajectory, and it’s ultimately what inspired my journey to venture.

As an investor, I now have the privilege of making a difference myself. The work that we do on a daily basis at IVP directly impacts founders, their teams, and the customers they serve. This is what makes venture so meaningful and what motivates me to constantly try to grow, learn, and discover new ways to approach problems and processes.