Accompany Health: A Return to Values-Based Healthcare
Some 14 years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of Americans who are eligible for coverage still cannot access basic healthcare services. The ACA created a structure to better align incentives of healthcare providers with those of their patients, but for many older, lower-income patients who may need help booking an appointment or finding a ride to the doctor, quality healthcare remains a promise unfulfilled.
That is a portrait of not only organizational inefficiency but also of human suffering among people in disadvantaged circumstances across America. We believe there is a solution that helps these millions of Americans see a doctor and get their medicines, and it’s called Accompany Health.
IVP is proud to participate in the $56 million Series A investment in Accompany Health, which launched today to make healthcare better, safer and more efficient for patients who need it the most. We believe the core of Accompany Health’s model – aligning business incentives with better patient outcomes – has the potential to revolutionize not just the health but also the lives of high-need patients everywhere.

An evolution in American Healthcare
Accompany Health brings back a cherished, time-honored practice: the physician house call. Yes, Accompany Health clinicians actually travel to patients’ homes to care for them face to face. They also connect to patients virtually, and caregivers are reachable 24/7 by phone, text and email.
Accompany Health’s mission goes beyond physical and mental healthcare to examine and then address non-healthcare needs that influence patients’ total well-being – from housing and transportation to food security and social services. Where there are needs, Accompany Health connects patients to remedies.
The company’s tech-powered approach includes a bespoke virtual platform, engagement tools and analytics-based patient triage, which centralizes communication and prioritizes needs. The company also hires doctors and nurses who are specially trained to work with underserved populations.
A mission-aligned revenue model
Accompany Health earns revenue from its contracts with the large insurance companies responsible for paying for healthcare. Crucially, these contracts align the incentives of payor, provider and patient: By providing high-quality, home-based, comprehensive healthcare services that reduce patients’ need for costly ER visits and hospital stays, patients become healthier, payors spend less per patient and increase revenue, and Accompany Health earns a greater financial reward for its outcomes-based performance.
A deeply experienced leader
Founder and CEO Dr. Rahul Rajkumar is among the most accomplished and experienced health executives in America, having served in several senior executive roles on various sides – payor, provider and policy – of America’s complex healthcare system. While deputy director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, Dr. Rajkumar designed the first voluntary consortium of doctors and hospitals, known as an Accountable Care Organization, to provide high-quality care to Medicare patients. At Accompany Health, he has assembled a determined team of accomplished healthcare operators and doctors with experience scaling innovative care models at companies.
Complicated and frustrating as our national healthcare system is, the trend toward value-based care – that is, aligning how much providers earn with the results they deliver to patients – is undeniable. We are excited to partner with Dr. Rajkumar and his team and help them improve the lives and well-being of millions of Americans.
Meet The Contributors

Primary, behavioral, and social care provider for low-income patients with complex needs